About Greyhounds

Greyhounds make great pets! Greyhounds may be super speedy on the track but did you know that they're also affectionately known as 40mph couch potatoes? They love to laze about (a comfy couch is a favourite spot), needing very little exercise, and make great pets for families of all ages. 

When they're not running (in short bursts of speed) greyhounds love to laze about on the couch - they're 45mph couch potatoes

More colours than a rainbow

There are about 30 recognised colour forms to be found in greyhounds. These can appear as one colour (such as all fawn or all black in colour) or in combination with white. 

Faster than an Olympian 

A greyhound can reach their top speed of around 45mph within just six strides - that's faster than Usain Bolt's top speed of 27mph!

Greyhounds can reach a fast speed in just seconds - as you can see in this picture as they blur past the camera

Best in Show 

1928 saw the first ever Crufts Dog Show take place in London, and guess which breed won Best in Show? A greyhound of course; Primley Sceptre, owned by H. Whitely. 

Historic Hounds 

The greyhound is the only breed dog mentioned by name in the King James edition of The Bible. 

The ancestors of the modern greyhound were also important figures in Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman times. Many Egyptians considered the birth of a such a hound second in importance only to the birth of a son. When their hound died, the entire family would go into mourning.


Millions of € spent on regulating the industry 

Greyhounds are the most regulated of all canine breeds in Ireland. They're the only breed with their own legislation - the Welfare of Greyhounds Act 2011.

Greyhound Racing Ireland spends €millions each year on the regulation of racing and welfare of racing greyhounds.

Find out more about the regulation of Irish greyhound racing here


A part of Irish Life

The Greyhound is such a part of Irish life that it was even featured on the old Irish currency. 

The old Irish Sixpence featured a Greyhound standing tall and proud. There was also a commemorative stamp issued by An Post in 1977 to mark 50 years of racing. 

The Greyhound is such an integral part of Irish life that it's featured on stamps and coins